for authors /

Types of Papers
Accepted Papers
Author Kit

Call for Papers
Papers Submission
Keynote Poster
Workshop Poster

Download Conference Program HERE.

types of papers/

Abstracts must be in Arabic or English with a maximum of 500 words and can include a maximum of one figure. Upon acceptance of the abstract, the full paper can also be submitted in Arabic or English. Three types of submissions are possible:

  1. Long Papers that describe well-developed or completed research (max 4000-5000 words, or 14 pages of our template).
  2. Short papers that describe research in progress (max 2500 words, or 10 pages of our template).
  3. Showreel that includes research in progress, student projects, and experimental works (3-5 minute videos + a maximum of 2-pages description of the submission).

Submissions should be sent anonymously in Word Document Format or Rich Text Format RTF. Each paper will be subject to a double-blind review by two to three referees. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their papers and have them included in the published ASCAAD 2021 conference proceedings and will appear on database (provided that for each accepted paper, at least one author pays the conference registration fee). Papers should be formatted according to the ASCAAD paper template.


submit your paper /

Please follow the link to submit/update your paper in the conference paper submission system.

author kit /

A) Full Paper Template
Both the ASCAAD English paper template and  Arabic paper template can be download from the ASCAAD conference web page. Full paper submissions must follow ASCAAD guideline. Authors should comply with the guidelines in the Harvard system of reference.
B) Recorded PowerPoint Presentation

Authors are required to adhere to using the ASCAAD standard PowerPoint graphic template provided here. The template has the flexibility to allow the presenter to layout their own graphical material only within the rectangular content area between the header/footer of the power slide. Authors can also embed illustration videos within their PowerPoint presentation.

Your recorded PowerPoint video presentation of your work should be short and a maximum of 6 minutes duration. Provide the most engaging content of your research work and informative to your audience to summarize the key ideas of your work. Perhaps (7-10) content slides in total is a suitable length.

  Download File

C) Recording your Video

Authors are presented with many options to produce their recorded PowerPoint presentation slides. In general, video conferencing software like ZOOM, Cisco Webex, and Microsoft Teams allows video capturing to the conference required format (MP4). Simply create a meeting and join that meeting with your co-authors as needed to start recording your meeting.

It is always great to record your video in a space with no noise or sound obstruction and wearing a headset will enhance the sound quality. 

There is also other Screen Recording software such as Apowersoft screen recorder and Debut video capturing.

Finally, authors are required to submit two items before 01, February 2021.
1) YouTube or Vimeo Weblink share for their recorded video presentation.
2) Upload their video recording file (MP4) to ASCAAD shared folder. Please name the file as follows [ASCAAD2021-AuthorFirstLastName-Paper-ID.mp4]. The ASCAAD organizing committee will email the author shortly a Google Documents weblink to the shared folder per each author.
