for authors /
Full papers should describe well-developed or completed research (3000-5000 words), and can be submitted in English or Arabic.
Submissions should be sent anonymously in Word Document Format (.DOC), Word Open XML Formate Document (.DOCX), or Rich Text Format (.RTF). Each paper will be subject to a double-blind review by two to three referees. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present their papers and have them included in the published ASCAAD 2022 conference proceedings and will appear on database (provided that for each accepted paper, at least one author pays the conference registration fee).
Papers should be formatted according to the ASCAAD paper template. Both the ASCAAD English paper template and Arabic paper template for the full paper submission can be downloaded from the ASCAAD conference web page. Submissions must follow ASCAAD guideline. Authors should comply with the guidelines of the Harvard system of reference.
For the full paper submission stage, please use the Upload File link in the OpenConf submission portal to upload your (.DOC, .DOCX, or .RTF) full paper submission using the same ID and password you created for the abstract stage. You can also perform any changes to the submission title, author names and affiliations, choice of relevant topic areas, keywords using Edit Submission link. You can edit, re-upload, view, or withdraw your submission at any time till the full paper submission deadline.