review guides/
Reviewers are kindly invited to implement the guidelines below in the review process. The points listed below are only guidelines and are not intended to limit the assessment criteria:
- Purpose of this paper: whether it demonstrates clearly the aims of the research and falls within the conference theme
- Design/methodology/approach: the main method and tools that are used to achieve the objectives of the research and how it has achieved it
- Findings/ results: if they are significant, original, contribute to the area of knowledge i.e. add new knowledge and to whom it adds this knowledge
- Research limitations: practical, professional and technical limitations
- Research implications (Social/ technical/ environmental etc implications):the impact on society, environment, government, industry, people attitudes etc
- Compliance with ASCAAD 2025 abstract and full paper template, word limit, and paper anonymity
In addition, reviewers conduct and fill in an online assessment form using the OpenConf system.
review papers /
Please follow the link to the review web site page